Monday, September 17, 2007

How and what condoms to buy

Lubricated or non-lubricated condoms can be a personal choice. For vaginal sex, sometimes lubrication is provided the natural way. Sometimes added lubrication is not unwelcomed. For oral sex, non-lubricated should be chosen to prevent an awful taste in the mouth. For anal sex, you will probably need all the lubricant you can get.

Spermicide or non-spermicide Spermicide on condoms (usually nonoxynol-9) is not provided in enough quantity to work on its own, however, it is present in case of an accident. Apparently, it is present in case of spillage. Although its effectiveness is unproven, it would be difficult to image that it is less effective than no spermicide at all.
Nonoxynol-9 has its drawbacks. It has it’s own smell. It can cause allergic reactions in some people. It is probably not for people engaging in oral or anal sex. However, if added pregnancy protection is what you are looking for, nonoxynol-9 provides extra for no inconvenience.

Reservoir tip, comfort fit, and the female condom Some condoms have slightly different shapes. A reservoir tip is designed to hold semen after you orgasm. This is supposed to prevent breakage that could be caused by bursting. By giving the semen an expandable area in which to be deposited, the reservoir tip is designed to prevent breakage.
A comfort fit provides a loose pocket for the head of the penis. The shape of the condom is designed to provide some movement between the head of the penis and the side of the condom. This is supposed to provide more sensation for the man.
The female condom takes this one step further. The female condom is a sort of bag that is used to line the inside of the vagina. This device does not move with the man’s penis. It should provide the most sensation for the man. It can also be put in place long before intercourse. The female condom can also provide an added amount of spontaneity.

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